Tuesday 12 January 2010

tcm and blight

Demos from tonights pcws. Don't have the demo from TCM on badlands as I timed out. We played with a different setup tonight against TCM with Haza demo and with TopGear medic (thanks neil :x). Against blight seb decided to wake up so Haza went medic and Numlocked went demo. Mumble for badlands vs. blight should be up soon as well.

vs. TCM-gravelpit

vs. blight badlands. Mumble recording here
vs. blight granary.

Oh and I remembered to sync up the mumble with the demo, I say "it's 9:55" or something at the start.


  1. GREAT demos mate, keep it up i love watching these especially with the mumble =]]

  2. Keep it up, keep it up, keep it up. Hope your team will be in top of div 1
